Assurance and Risk Management

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The management of risk and implementation of robust corporate governance has become an increasingly important aspect of global business.  While many companies are required by law, regulations or stakeholders to apply these processes and procedures, even more elect to do so as part of a successful business strategy.  Our aim is to leverage expertise and knowledge to help organisations meet their governance, risk and assurance objectives.

Goal’s consultant staff has significant experience in establishing and managing risk management frameworks for programmes and projects. Our risk management personnel have highly developed skills and extensive supporting experiences. The diversity of risk management projects undertaken by Goal’s consultants for an equally diverse range of customers has allowed our personnel to develop very sound understandings of risk management philosophies, methodologies and practicalities.

One of Goal’s senior programme management consultants undertook a risk review of the Prison Cell Refurbishment Programme commissioned by Corrections Victoria. He has also developed and delivered customised risk management training to ANZ Bank’s Risk Management Group. Our team has developed a very efficient process for risk identification and assessment in a workshop setting. Our facilitators are experienced in managing workshop teams – stimulating discussion to draw on the expertise, skills and experience of team members, and encouraging individual input. The risk assessment methodologies are fully adaptable to suit any area of risk at any level of the organisation, for example:

  • Operational risk reviews and strategic risk assessment services
  • Development and implementation of enterprise-wide risk and compliance programs
  • Compliance audits and compliance reviews
  • Mediation, dispute investigation and resolution and mediation training
  • Security and site surveys
  • WHS audits, reviews, plans and program development
  • Security and investigation services
  • Insurance program reviews and tenders
  • Critical infrastructure audits and reviews
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning and Crisis Management Consultancy
  • Fraud and corruption reviews, ethics, fraud and corruption training
  • Policy and procedure development and training delivery across all risk areas.
  • On-line training and compliance programs
  • Corporate governance health check and board reviews and training
  • Data analytics services

We have developed our risk management techniques by adapting traditional techniques to suit particular customer needs.  We have also developed a range of industry specific keywords used for hazard identification activities.  We are very familiar with the Australian Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS 4360).  All services are provided within its framework, which has been applied to some very interesting projects over the years.

assurance and risk management

Some of the Projects Undertaken

  • Developed and applied Project Management methods and systems to implement the policies of the Wood Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service, and to facilitate the organisational restructure of the NSW Rural Fire Service.
  • Implemented the Primavera Project Management tool and identified and developed ‘High Performance Teams’ programs for executives and improvement of project leaders through a ‘burning bridge’ concept.
  • Undertaken programme performance evaluations for State Government Departments in Victoria, for the Attorney General’s Department, for the Department of Defence, and for several Universities and not-for-profit organisations. Our consultants include six sigma specialists and qualified assessors.
  • Established and managed a streamlined Program of operational performance initiatives to recover and maintain the delivery of critical projects within the Operational Business Unit of Trent/Rolls-Royce on the development of a US $16 Billion lifecycle product.  Work included internal and external suppliers to meet aggressive targets that were unprecedented within Rolls-Royce.  Using APM Methodology, and driving the product through the development phase under a compressed Program of works to meet the launch date, he reported to the board and the media.  The role included close management of global suppliers based across England, France, North America and Japan, ensuring compliance with contractual and Program deliverables.
  • Played a coordinating role with regards to reporting of progress of corporate governance and anti-money laundering programs, and ensured it reflected pillar strategies and international best practices. The consultant undertook country performance assessment and performance based allocation exercises, collected and analyzed project information through research, due diligence and independent inquiry.
  • Liaised with international bodies such as the IMF, World Bank, European Investment Bank, Australian Agency for International Development, New Zealand Agency for International Development, and other multilateral organizations on intensive policy dialogue, strategy formulation exercises and joint financing of operations.
  • A Goal Group Specialist was a former Commander for the Negotiation Unit of the Police Force.  In this position he trained and led negotiation teams in Australia’s counter terrorist response.  He developed and provided the same training, with the Attorney General’s Department, to the Philippines, New Zealand and Thai Governments.  He is also a well-recognised and respected negotiator in the area of Veteran’s Affairs.

Our consultants are tertiary qualified with experience in project management and policy analysis in Central Asia, Asia-Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and UK. Goal consultants have demonstrated results in project management of multimillion dollar projects in a multi-platform environment. The consultants have expertise in Project Management/Financial Analysis, Economic Policy/Corporate Governance/Anti-Money Laundering, Private sector development, Insolvency Analysis/Debt Structuring/Commutation, International Trade Policy and Claims Management and Reinsurance. Goal Consultants have worked in Asia-Pacific: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Nauru, Fiji the USA, South Africa, the UK, Canada and Papua New Guinea.

Goal’s consultants work throughout the whole life cycle of projects: technical preparation, appraisal, and implementation of investment projects, including marketing, project screening, origination, due diligence, structuring, negotiation, preparation, monitoring of projects and execution.  Goal consultants can handle complex technical, institutional and program implementation issues in many sectors; assist in the elaboration of policy proposals; interface with member governments and agencies in resolving policy and program implementation issues.

Goal believes that Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is an essential component of the good governance framework in any organisation.  It is essential that risk management becomes a normal part of every-day decision making within the organisation rather than being a separate task which is undertaken from time to time.  It needs to be part of the culture of the organisation and seen as an essential tool in making better decisions to help achieve value.

The Goal Group has many long term relationships that are based on trust, loyalty and a commitment to adding value and putting our clients’ needs first.  We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve outstanding results and we work with them to ensure that our training programs, assessment and consulting services meet their specific needs.

For more information or to enquire how Goal can assist your organisation, please contact us.

Committed to Earning Your Confidence


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