Interoperability VS Interchangeability

In 2015,  Goal Group and our senior Goal Group Partner Michael McLean (MMC) were contracted to conduct the Commonwealth required Independent Review for the funding, value and technical benchmarking of the CASG Maritime Systems Division and their Divisional Assurance Program. Then Chief of Navy required the RAN, CASG and Key Divisional Suppliers to “Get it Right before cutting Steel”.  This was also to improve Defence Industry contracting performance under “SMOET” Seaworthiness Maintained On-time Every Time. All were real precursors to, and supporting “moving from Interoperability to Interchangeability” in 2022/23.  Goal Group is pleased that Michael has now been invited by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) to deliver an ‘on-trend/on-message’ topic for their Lunchtime Address next week.

February 2023 Lecture details are below plus a video of the actual presentation.

Interoperability Vs Interchangeability
– Implications for Australia’s Defence   

Tuesday 28 February 2023 (Start Time: 1300),
Anzac Memorial Auditorium Hyde Park South, Sydney

Speaker: Mr Michael McLean FAICD, FAOQ, CMC
Managing Director, Mclean Management Consultants
Subject: Interoperability v Interchangeability – Implications for Australia’s Defence

Exploring the ability for allies to act together or to change places with another, coherently, effectively and efficiently to achieve tactical, operational and strategic objectives.

Video of the presentation is now live: